
Database Management DBMS
Database Administration DBA

With information so readily available in this era of apps, tablets and social media, data has become the new treasure organizations must protect and cherish. More than anyone else, database administrators are relied on as the guardians of this treasure, implementing security measures to ensure sensitive data doesn't fall into the hands of unruly pirates while also managing the databases that help store and organize it. Database administrators – DBAs, for short – set up databases according to a company's needs and make sure they operate efficiently, fine-tuning, upgrading and testing modifications as needed.

At Circle.Systems we are specialists in Microsoft SQL server and Oracle Databases.

Design & Planning:
Thinking of creating a new website or building a data warehouse? Seeking competitive advantage? Let us design and implement the database behind your website, build a warehouse or create a robust platform for your mission critical apps.

Troubleshooting & Triage:
Are you experiencing problems or outages of your databases? Do you wish you had a database expert on your team on such occasions? Let us help you stabilize your database environment.

Tuning & Optimization:
Are your databases sluggish? Would you like to find out if they can go faster? Let us assess your database environment and advise on what changes you can make to ensure that your databases are operating at peak performances.

Backup & Recovery Planning:
Have you had any outages in the database environment recently? How long was the outage? Let us help you build a more robust database environment. This will ensure no downtime of your critical production systems or minimum downtime from an adverse event.

Data Warehouse Design:
Do you have terabytes of data and still yearning for useful information? Let us design and build a data warehouse for you that enable you to extract information to improve your competitive edge.

Business Intelligence BI

SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS) is the technology from the Microsoft Business Intelligence stack, to develop Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) solutions. In simple terms, you can use SSAS to create cubes using data from data marts / data warehouse for deeper and faster data analysis.

Cubes are multi-dimensional data sources which have dimensions and facts (also known as measures) as its basic constituents. From a relational perspective dimensions can be thought of as master tables and facts can be thought of as measureable details. These details are generally stored in a pre-aggregated proprietary format and users can analyze huge amounts of data and slice this data by dimensions very easily. Multi-dimensional expression (MDX) is the query language used to query a cube, similar to the way T-SQL is used to query a table in SQL Server.

SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) is a tool that we use to perform ETL operations; i.e. extract, transform and load data. While ETL processing is common in data warehousing (DW) applications, SSIS is by no means limited to just DW; e.g. when you create a Maintenance Plan using SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) an SSIS package is created. At a high level, SSIS provides the ability to:

  • retrieve data from just about any source. Be it your ERP system such as XAL, SAP, IFS, Navision or Oracle Finance
  • perform various transformations on the data; e.g. convert from one type to another, convert to uppercase or lowercase, perform calculations, etc
  • load data into just about any source
  • define a workflow

SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) is a server hosted reporting tool "aout-of-the-box" feature included in SQL Server. We use SSRS to design, develop, test, and deploy pixel perfect reports of any kind. SSRS was originally slated to be released with SQL Server 2005 but it wound up being released a little bit ahead of SQL Server 2005. SSRS leverages the Business Intelligence Development Studio (BIDS) developer tool for all aspects of authoring and deploying reports.

IT Management

Software Development

Circle.Systems • Glarmestervej 5 • DK-6710 Esbjerg V • (+45) 25 77 22 33 • CVR: 25795067